For my independent component, I am currently observing my mentor. She lets me practice with some of her tools, but she doesn't actually let me use them on clients for some obvious reasons.
(2) What is a recent piece of research (article, interview, or audio-visual) that have you reviewed you would say was significant in helping you understand where to go next in your senior project? The piece of research should be something you reviewed in November. Please explain what you learned and where are you going next because of this piece of research.
A recent piece of research that I have reviewed that is helping me understand where to go next is a part in a book called Beauty: The New Basics. Through this book I have learned what hair is and what it's made of. I have also learned different ways one can take care of it. Where this piece of research is taking me is figuring out how the hair picks up color. It is also making me want to learn how the hair takes form and stays the way it is shaped when styling it.
(3) Provide evidence from your independent component or the piece of research as something you recently did. For example, a photo of something you working on for your independent component or your notes from the video you watched.
I currently don't have pictures from my independent component but I will make sure I take some next time I go. I do have a few notes from my piece of research I spoke about on question #3. These are the same notes from my previous posts:
- Hair is made up of keratin, the same thing that makes up nails and teeth.
- Everyone is born with all the hair follicles we will ever have.
- The average number of hairs on a person's head are 140,000 for blonds, 100,000 for brunettes, and 90,000 for red heads.
- A person loses 75- 100 hairs per day
- A hair shaft has three layers which are the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla.
- The only living part of the hair is the root.
- Each hair strand is made up of 97% protein and 3% moisture.
This is also a picture from the book, but I found a copy of it online: